Clairvoyants Are People Too

This post is a little nod to my big sis. We used to love that show, "Kids Are People Too." She even had the Tee-shirt. The other day we had a giggle over something stupid that I said that evolved into the joke, "strangers are people too." It got me thinking, one of the misconceptions about clairvoyants is that we are all so serious because of the stuff that we see. And, yeah, sometimes you see some horrible things, usually from past lives, but still. It's because of all of this serious work that we need to laugh.

Viewing energy and shifting it are so much better when you are in a lighthearted state. Energy just moves when it's at a higher vibration, and laughter is one of the highest. That is why laughter is the best medicine. People have laughed themselves well from cancer. I'll bet people have prevented cancer from laughing, but it's not just laughing that does it. It's the lightheartedness that induces laughter that is the key. It's the amusement of our human existence. We are funny, if you think about it. There are so many things that we humans do on a daily basis that if you were visiting you would think were pretty wacky.

My point is that clairvoyants aren't mystical beings that can't relate to things non-spiritual. I mean I like junk food and movies and computer games as much as the next person. We are people too because all people are clairvoyant! I guess I am just saying that sometimes because I do this for a living people expect a monk of sorts. I do meditate and do yoga and try not to give in to childish behavior, but I also sleep in when I can and watch Saturday Night Live and keep saying that one of these days I'm going to lose all of this weight that I gained, I just really like bacon.

Another thing about us being like everyone else is that sometimes people think that I am judging or looking down on the less spiritual things they talk about, believe me, nothing could be further from the truth. I don't only read spiritual books, I go to rock concerts, I watch Lost, and I am a huge fan of The Simpsons. I assure you that if you want to have a John Hughes Movie night or a Harry Potter marathon, I am your girl. Having said all of that, I would love to see a good movie/tv show that gets past lives right or shows how most of us really see energy or concentrates on the healing side of clairvoyance or most of all acknowledges that anyone can learn how to do this. I'm not sure how interesting it would be to anyone but me and a handful of others though.

I suppose I am not the yard stick by which to measure all of us.... but still, I am sure that other clairvoyants like bacon too.

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