Auras, what's up with that?

A common question for a lot of clairvoyants is "what color is my aura?" People ask this thinking that if it's blue, that is who you are: a blue aura person. This is not how I see it. Your aura changes color with your mood or with what you are going through in your life. Each color represents an emotion or activity or state of mind/heart. Most colors have universal vibrations that most of us feel the same way, but not categorically. A lot of people see red as passion, but I see it as pain or in survival mode. I see fuchsia as passion because it is infused with the life force energy of red along with the love of pink. I also see compassion as a peachy pink instead of just pink because yellow to me is the color of joy. I see compassion as being a mix of the love of life and love in general.

A lot more than just the color of your aura is important. You might have it pulled to close to you. This would cause people to not really "see" you. You might get cut in front of in line, cut off in traffic or be ignored in discussions of groups. I have pulled my aura in too close intentionally to see what it feels like and my ears ring and I feel a little dizzy, it's really trippy.

If you have it too big your energy gets all over everyone around you. This is very intrusive and obnoxious. If you are at a party and trying to be the center of it, your aura would be very big. People who always have to have everyone in the meeting hear and laugh at their dumb jokes have large auras. That obnoxious neighbor who keeps you at the door too long and talks too loud even when you tell them that your dinner is burning has a huge aura. Making my aura big on purpose makes me feel like I'm naked and alone in a gymnasium. Not my favorite feeling in the world. The right distance is about 12 inches all of the way around your body.

Another important factor about your aura is what isn't it covering? I found that when I first started doing this work I would subconsciously pull my aura too close to the top of my head. The crown chakra is the one on the top of your head (surprisingly on the crown of your head). It is associated with and creates your connection with your spirit and spirituality as well as spiritual groups. It is also known as the free will chakra. When a cult wants to control it's followers the leader plugs a cord of energy into this chakra which is why cult always deal with a level of spirituality. More on cords in a later post. My point is that I was shy about letting the world know of my new found spiritual path so I was trying to hide it by pulling my aura in really close to my head. I got really bad headaches during this time.

You can also have your aura pulled up above your feet. This causes you to make bad decisions, be impractical with money and it can even make you clumsy. Your feet are your connection to this world and if you are trying to avoid something you will try to be disconnected so that you can claim you just didn't know. All of this is subconsciously of course.

If your aura is too close to your back it may be a sign that you are afraid of your past or your burdens. Wherever your aura isn't, that is what you trying to avoid and energy work and seeing energy is almost always very literal. Our minds are literal, so the symbols we see tend to be. Or at least that is how it works for me.

You can have other people's energy in your aura which would affect the color and size. This is how a lot of sensitive people end up feeling someone else's pain. Some of us, and really all of us at some time, throw our energy at other people. We don't do it on purpose, unless we do. When we are in a parking lot and the person walking in front of our car with their cart is going snail pace slow you are probably going to throw a "hurry up!" at them. If they are ungrounded or have their aura pulled up above their feet they will continue to take their time. I don't know about you but I can feel people behind me that want me to walk faster. It feels like they are going to walk right over the top of me. Makes my skin crawl.

There is a couple of aura meditations coming up, so stay tuned...

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